ChemShorts for Kids   --   1995
Copyright ©1995 by the Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society

by Dr. Kathleen A. Carrado, Argonne National Labs

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Please note:  All chemicals and experiments can entail an element of risk, and no experiments should be performed without proper adult supervision.

Homemade Ice Cream

Kids, the scientific concept to be learned in this experiment is lowering the freezing point. The fun to be had is in making and eating your very own ice cream. The recipe is actually more like a well-known Wisconsin treat called frozen custard.

Into a bowl add 1 cup heavy whipping cream, 1 cup half & half, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 egg, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. After whisking for a few minutes, pour half of the mixture into a sandwich-size ziploc baggie and seal. Into a gallon-size ziploc baggie add four good handfuls of rock salt and eight good handfuls of crushed ice. Seal this baggie and gently shake the ice-salt mixture around until a good amount of water is formed. Rock salt is a chunkier version of common table salt (sodium chloride), but it is not clean enough to eat. Place the sandwich baggie into the gallon-size baggie and seal. Mix it around so that the smaller baggie is in contact with the cold water as much as possible. The material in the little bag should thicken in 10-15 minutes. When it is thick enough, take the small baggie out of the large one and scoop the contents into a cup for your very own edible treat.

The milk solution becomes thicker because it is freezing. When a liquid freezes it turns into a solid form. The salt-ice mixture should feel very cold, and though it will be hard to feel a difference, it is colder than the ice by itself. The experiment would take much longer if you used ice alone. The ice would melt quickly and need to be replaced often. So, how do you make the ice colder? The trick is adding the salt. It is a well-known phenomenon to chemists that a solution, such as salt-water, will freeze at a lower temperature than a pure liquid, such as water. So your salt-ice water solution is colder than just ice water alone. The same principle is being used when salt is sprinkled on icy roads in the wintertime.

The ice-salt baggie will in fact get so cold that you should wear gloves or use a towel. Try another experiment with the remaining unfrozen cream mixture. Add a few teaspoons of preserves for flavor, or some food coloring for looks. You can even try fooling around with the ingredients a little bit and use some chocolate milk!
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
References: Chemical & Engineering News 10/31/94, p. 48; Downer's Grove Friends of the Gifted and Talented: "Weird Science" Program, Fall 1994.

Candy Chromatography

Kids, there are many different ways to separate the components of a mixture. This time we will separate the substances used to color candy by using a technique called chromatography. The candy you will need is the brown color of M&Ms©, Reeses's pieces©, and Skittles©.

Use blunt end scissors to cut 3 strips from a cone-type coffee filter that are about 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. Using a pencil, write at the end of each strip the name of one candy. Pour about 1/4 cup of water into a clear plastic cup. Wet one end of a cotton swab and gently wet one side of a candy. Gently rub the candy's wet candy coating onto its filter strip. Make the dark dot on the paper about 2 cm from the unwritten end, in the center. Do not use the dirty end of the cotton swab again. Repeat this procedure for the other two candies, using a clean cotton swab each time. When they are dry, carefully place the strips in the cup of water so that only the very end of each strip touches the water. The end with the writing can be folded over the rim of the cup to keep the strip in place. Be sure the colored dots are above the surface of the water, otherwise all the coloring will simply wash out in the solution.

Observe each strip as the water moves up the paper through the dots. What do you notice happening? Let the water rise nearly to the rim of the cup (this happens naturally by capillary action), then remove the strips and let them air dry. Is the brown color on the candies a mixture of other colors? Compare the colors used for each type of candy, and see in what ways they are the same or different. Each color is a different pigment molecule. Because of the different shape, weight, size, and electric charges on different pigment molecules, they will bind to the paper in slightly different ways. This is how they can separate. Check the ingredients on the candy wrappers to see whether the colors you observed were actually used to color the candies!
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
Reference: WonderScience, volume 8, number 8, December 1994.

Bubble Trouble with Hard Water

Kids, you may have heard that the chemical element CALCIUM is very important for strong bones and teeth. Terrific sources of calcium in our diets include milk, broccoli, salmon and sardines. Along with bones and teeth, calcium is also a major part of things like cement, seashells, limestone, chalk, marble, eggshells, and de-icer for icy roads. Sometimes when water flows over limestone or other materials with a lot of calcium in them, the calcium gets into the water. Water that contains a lot of calcium or other minerals is called HARD WATER. One characteristic of hard water is that it makes a soap scum when mixed with soap. It also makes a soap solution much less bubbly. But don't just take our word for it, let's check it out!

Cover a work area with paper towels. Label 3 clear 8 oz plastic cups as "water", "water and plaster", and "soapy water". Pour 1/2 cup warm water into each cup. Add about 1/4 teaspoon of plaster of paris powder to the cup labeled "water and plaster". Stir thoroughly with a plastic straw. Grate 1-2 tablespoons of soap from a bar of soap. Put about 1 tablespoon into the "soapy water" labeled cup. Stir thoroughly with a new straw. Add 1 tablespoon of your soapy water to the "water" and "water and plaster" cups. Do not stir right away, and observe what happens closely. Is there a difference? What do you see happening in one of the cups? Now stir each cup with a separate straw. Do they still look different? Next use a new clean straw to blow gently into each cup. Do you notice a difference in the bubbling? What do you think is the reason? It will help you to know that plaster of paris is a chemical compound called calcium sulfate (made from gypsum).

[Safety Tip: Please be sure to blow into the liquids. Do not suck the liquid into the straws at all.]
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair Elementary Education Committee
Reference: WonderScience 10/94, volume 8(6).

Popcorn Science

Kids, have you ever wondered exactly what's behind the popping of popcorn? Here we will demonstrate that both heat and the moisture inside popcorn kernels are necessary for making a perfect bowl of popcorn. You will first need to have an adult partner dry out 1/4 cup of popcorn kernels by placing a single layer on a tray in an oven at 190 degrees overnight.

Pop exactly 1/4 cup of fresh popcorn in a hot air popcorn popper, and then do the same with the dried kernels. Measure the volume of each of your results. Some kitchens have large glass measuring cups than can be used for this, or else just use similar sized bowls or drinking cups and "eyeball it".

The fresh popcorn should produce a larger volume of popped corn. Popcorn is mostly starch and water. As the kernel is heated, the water inside turns to steam. So much steam pressure can build up inside the kernel that the outer layer finally cannot hold it back and the kernel explodes. The starch expands into the familiar white substance that we have all come to know as popcorn. So now can you guess why the dried kernels resulted in a lower volume? Most of their moisture was evaporated beforehand, slowly and intentionally, so that there was not enough left to explode the kernel as much.

If you like, you can try different brands of popcorn to see which one gives the highest volume of product. Also try popping old and fresh popcorn of the same brand. Cleaning up from this experiment can be summed up in one word: Enjoy!
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
Reference: Phil Parratore inWacky Science: A Cookbook for Elementary Teachers, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. (Dubuque, Iowa), 1994, page 104.

"Tearible" Tissues

Kids, did you ever spill something on your furniture or carpet and be surprised when it was easy to clean up without leaving a stain? Some fabrics are treated with a very thin coating that repels liquids somewhat. In this experiment you will test such a coating by studying the absorbency of tissues both with and without a water repellent substance.

You will need a can of Scotchguard® spray, facial tissue, 2 clear plastic cups, 2 rubber bands, and water. You will also need proper ventilation because of the Scotchguard® spray fumes.

Open one tissue and drape over one of the cups. Push the center of the tissue slightly into the cup, forming a pocket. Secure it to the cup with a rubber band. Slowly pour some water into this pocket and observe what happens. Now spray a new tissue with Scotchguard®, let it dry, and repeat the experiment. What happens? Does this tissue cause different behavior?

Why does this happen? The spray forms a coating over the surface of the tissue. The coating is so smooth that any holes present are smaller even than tiny water molecules. Therefore water is not allowed to penetrate through the tissue. You can try this same test on different materials, such as pieces of scrap fabric.
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
Reference: Phil Parratore inWacky Science: A Cookbook for Elementary Teachers, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. (Dubuque, Iowa), 1994, page 112.

Ecofoam vs. Styrofoam

Kids, have you ever seen the packaging peanuts that are made of foam? Have you ever noticed two different kinds of these peanuts? One kind is bright white and sort of S-shaped, while the others are not so white and not so curved. In this experiment we will find out the differences between the two types.

The old-fashioned white kind of peanuts are made of Styrofoam, which is an expanded version of a polymer called polystyrene. The newer kind is called Ecofoam and it is made from corn starch. The most obvious difference between them in terms of chemical properties is that Ecofoam will dissolve in water while Styrofoam will not. Just put a foam peanut in a cup of water and wait a few minutes. The warmer the water the faster the Ecofoam will dissolve. Can you think of a way to take advantage of this difference for a useful purpose? Of course the answer is fairly obvious. Ecofoam was deliberately made as an alternative to Styrofoam because it will quickly degrade in the environment. It is therefore a more ecologically- and environmentally-friendly packaging peanut. (Can you see that Ecofoam would not make a very good beverage container, however?)

If you have an adult partner that has access to acetone (the active ingredient in many nail polish removers), they can show you that Styrofoam will "melt" in acetone while Ecofoam will not. This could therefore be one way to reduce the space that Styrofoam products take up as waste.

{SAFETY NOTE: Please leave the handling of any acetone only to an adult].
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
Reference: Steven D. Gammon, J. Chem. Ed. 1994, 71, 1077.

The Colors of Light

Kids, why does the light from the sun make rainbows some of the time but not all of the time? It is because raindrops in the air can break up the sun's light into the different colors of light that we can see in a rainbow. You may have seen a rainbow on a day when the sun came out while rain was still falling. You may also have seen one at a waterfall where the water splashed up into a mist, or even in the water from a lawn sprinkler on a sunny day. In this activity, you can try making your own rainbow show! All you need is an adult partner, a garden hose, and a sunny day.

With your adult partner, turn on a hose and make a fine spray using a nozzle or your thumb. Move so that you are looking at the water with the sun behind you. Spray harder or softer and higher or lower until you see a rainbow. Try changing your position so that the sun hits your water from a different angle. Or try having your partner spray the water while you view from different angles and distances. If you are successful, note the order of the colors.

Light is an electromagnetic wave of energy. Some electromagnetic waves have higher energies than others. The whole range is called the electromagnetic spectrum. Waves in this spectrum include X-rays, microwaves, radio waves, visible light, and others. The waves of visible light, which is what we can see, are in the middle of this spectrum. Their energies are lower than those of X-rays, but higher than those of microwaves and radio waves. The colors appear in order according to their energy. From the lowest energy to the highest energy the colors appear as

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Remember it as Roy G. Biv. The waves just beyond red and out of sight are called infrared, while the waves just beyond violet and also out of sight are called ultraviolet. Now that you are done with your lesson, I'm sure that you can think of another way to really enjoy that garden spray in our hot Chicago summer!
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
Reference: WonderScience 1995, vol. 9, number 4.

A Real Lifesaver

Kids, did you have any idea that crushing certain lifesavers in your mouth can set off sparks? This experiment will demonstrate how light can be given off by a simple chemical reaction. All you need is a roll of wintergreen mint Life Savers® with the green-speckled centers, a very dark room, and a partner.

With your partner in a dark room, crunch the mint with your teeth with your mouth open. Your partner should see sparks of light generated when you bite on the candy. Reverse the roles so that you can see the sparks in your partner's mouth. If your partner is an adult, have them hit the candy with a hammer on a hard surface to observe the same quality of sparks.

What is going on here? When the candy is crushed, the friction of unlike charges (positive and negative, or + and -) causes loose particles called electrons to start a series of interactions between the nitrogen in the air, sugar, and candy molecules. This type of light is called triboluminescence.
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
Reference: Wacky Science: A Cookbook for Elementary Teachers by Phil Parratore, 1994, Kendall-Hall Publishing Co., Iowa, page 77.

Science of Soap Bubbles

Kids, did you ever wonder what a turtle shell, a bee's honeycomb, a soccer ball, a chicken wire fence, and a bag full of bubbles have in common? All you will need to find out is a quart size zip-lock bag, a plastic straw, and a bubble solution. To make the bubble solution, mix 4 parts of water to 1 part of liquid detergent. For example, measure 1 cup of water and add 1/4 cup of detergent. Add the detergent to the water, and stir gently. Adding about 1/2 teaspoon of sugar makes longer lasting bubbles.

Place 1 tablespoon of bubble solution in the plastic bag. Close the bag almost completely, leaving just enough room to slip the straw into the bag. Gently blow through the straw to fill the bag with bubbles. Now study the bubbles that formed. Are the sides of the bubbles curved or flat? How do their sizes and shapes compare? Do most of them have the same number of sides?
You'll find that many of the bubbles inside your bag should have six-sides, which makes them hexagons. Many hexagon shapes can be found in nature. Spider webs, some insect's eyes, and certain plant stems are based on this shape.

How thick is a soap bubble? The film is one of the thinnest things that we can see without using a magnifying glass. It is about 5000 times thinner than a human hair! What's inside the bubbles? It is always a gas, and most have ordinary air inside. The bubbles that you blow contain more carbon dioxide because this is a gas that we exhale. Bubbles in soda pop are filled with carbon dioxide, and those in boiling water are filled with vaporized water or steam.

[Since different detergents have different bubble-making abilities, you may have to experiment by using different amounts of detergent, water, and sugar until you get the nicest, longest-lasting bubbles.]
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
Reference: WonderScience , vol. 9, no. 1, January 1995. (call 1-800-333-9511 for subscription information to WonderScience).

The "Bad" Taste of O.J.

Kids, does orange juice taste awfully bitter to you right after brushing your teeth? If so, you are one of about 2/3 of the population who has a taste gene on your tongue that allows you to detect certain bitter compounds. The other 1/3 of you lacks this gene. When one of you who has the gene brushes your teeth with a toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate (or SLS), you notice this bitterness effect. SLS reduces the sweet taste of sucrose (sugar) and at the same time strengthens the bitterness of citric acid (responsible for the sour and bitter taste of orange juice) by about ten times! If you would like to see if you inherited this gene or not, select a toothpaste that contains SLS in the list of ingredients. Take a sip of orange juice and note the relative strength of the sweet, sour, and bitter tastes. Rinse your mouth with water, then vigorously brush your teeth with the toothpaste. Rinse with water again, then taste the orange juice again. Are the relative intensities of the tastes very different now?

Taste begins with an ion or molecule docking in receptors on the tongue or palate. The substances that trigger sweet and bitter tastes are usually large, complex organic molecules that fit these receptors like keys in a lock. In contrast, salty and sour tastes are triggered by tiny positive ions. SLS is one of the most widely used detergent molecules. It is a large organic molecule found in toothpaste, laundry detergents, and specialty detergents such as Woolite®. The reason why some of you won't notice the taste effect of SLS is because you may be insensitive to the bitter tastes of compounds called phenylthiourea and propylthiouracil, and less sensitive to bitter flavors such as caffeine, potassium chloride, and certain preservatives. These people have failed to inherit a gene from their parents that makes them sensitive to bitter tastes. Some people have inherited the gene from just one parent, and they experience the bitterness effect to a lesser degree.
Submitted by Kathleen A. Carrado, Chair
Elementary Education Committee
Reference: P. DeCristofaro,ChemMatters, published by the American Chemical Society (Washington, DC), 1995, vol. 13, no. 2, pg. 14.

Updated 2/12/99