![]() |
2003 | |||
January 24 | Dr. Daniel W. Armstrong Iowa State University |
High Efficiency Microbial Analysis, Viability Determination and Antibiotic Screening: The Marriage of Separation Science and Microbiology | Steven's Steak House Elmhurst, IL |
February 21 | Mr. Gary Kitmacher NASA, Johnson Space Center |
Views from Space | Rosewood Rosemont, IL |
March 14 | Public Affairs Award: Inara Brubaker UOP |
Roles for Chemical Scientists in a Technological Society | Wellington Restaurant Arlington Heights, IL |
April 25 | Dr. Michael Pellin Argonne National Laboratory |
Analytical Chemistry of Star Dust* | Midwest Conference
Center Northlake, IL |
May 30 | Gibbs Medal Award: Prof. John Brauman, Stanford University |
Gas Phase Ionic Chemistry | Argonne Guest House Argonne National Laboratories |
31 - June 2 |
----- | Great Lakes Regional ACS Meeting | Loyola University Chicago |
June 20 | Dr. Tejal A. Desai Boston University |
Microengineering Drug Delivery: From Pores to Particles | Holiday Inn Willowbrook |
Tuesday, Aug 5 |
A night of comedy with the Galileo Players | Metropolis Performing
Arts Centre Arlington Heights, IL |
September 19 | Dick Bisbing McCrone Associates |
Imaging in the Forensic Microscopy Laboratory | Oak Brook
Marriott 1401 West 22nd St. Oak Brook, IL 60523 |
October 24 | Professor Daryle H. Busch University of Kansas |
Basolo Medal Award: Ventures in the Design of Homogeneous Oxidation Catalyst Systems |
Kendall College and Northwestern Technological Institute Evanston, IL |
Saturday October 25 |
National Chemistry Day | ChemDay | University of Illinois, Chicago |
November 21 | Dr. Peter Dorhout Colorado State University |
Plutonium Chemistry and the DOE Legacy | Drury Lane Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 |
December 12 | Dr. James O'Brien Southwest Missouri State University |
Famous Mad Hatters | Monastero's Ristorante 3935 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL |
2004 | |||
January 23 | Sharon Bertsch McGrayne | Claire C. Patterson: A Chemist Leads the Fight Against Leaded Gasoline | Ann Sathers |
February 20 | Dr. Charles "Chip" Palmer DuPont Textiles and Intermediates |
Spandex Technology - The Science of Stretch and Recovery | Holiday Inn North
Shore 5300 W. Touhy Ave. Niles, IL |
March 19 | Dr. Sara Risch from "Science by Design" |
Public Affairs Meeting: " The Flavor of Chemistry or the Chemistry of Flavors" |
Cafe La Cave 2777 Mannheim Rd Des Plaines, IL |
April 23 | Dr. Richard P. Van Duyne Northwestern University |
Nanoparticle Optics for Surface-Enhanced Sensing and Spectroscopy | The Parthenon 314 South Halsted Chicago, IL |
May 3-6 | Powder & Bulk Solids Conference | Join the Chicago Section at booth 2550 at the International Powder & Bulk Solids Conference | Donald
E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, IL |
May 21 | Gibbs Medal Award: Prof. Ronald Breslow Columbia University |
Progress on a New Approach to Cancer Chemotherapy | North Shore Lights at Hotel Moraine Highwood, IL |
June 25 | Dr. Donald Wink University of Illinois, Chicago |
Education Night: Relevance and Chemistry Education |
Fountain Blue
Banquets |
July 23 | Chicago Section Summer Social | Fiddler on the Roof | Drury Lane Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 |
Thursday September 23 |
Romesh Kumar Argonne Nat'l Labs |
Joint with the Joliet Section: Hydrogen & Fuel Cells: Where We Are, Where We Are Headed |
University of St. Francis Joliet |
October 22 | Dr. Malcolm H. Chisholm Ohio State University |
Basolo Medal Award: Routes to New Generation Polymers Employing Single-site Metal Alkoxide Catalysts, Polyesters, Polyethers and Polycarbonates from Renewable Resources |
Lecture: Northwestern University Dinner: Zhivago's Restaurant Skokie |
Saturday |
National Chemistry Day | Theme-"Health and Wellness" Speakers, exhibits, and demos all day |
Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
November 19 | Dr. Eloy Rodriguez Cornell University |
Julius Stieglitz Lecture: |
Drury Lane Oakbrook Terrace, IL |
December 10 | Sheila G. Bailey NASA |
Missions to Mars – Past, Present, And Future | Willowbrook Holiday Inn |
2005 | |||
January 14 (a week early) |
Dr. Catherine Woytowicz Principal, Spider Consulting |
Non-traditional Career Opportunities for Chemists: Drafting International Treaties, Advising Government, Writing Books, Solving Crime, and Teaching - what’s it all about? | The Parthenon Restaurant Chicago |
February 25 | J. J. Emerson University of Chicago |
Gene Traffic in Vertebrate Genomes: Examples from Chicken and Mammals | Rosewood Restaurant Rosemont, IL |
March 18 | Tom Kucera | Public Affairs Award "The Shifting Paradigm of the Central Science" |
Cafe La Cave 2777 Mannheim Rd Des Plaines, IL |
April 19-20 | AIChE Symposium | "Chemical Engineering -- At the Crossroads of Technology" | IIT Chicago |
April 22 | Dr. Alan F. Bain, D.O., |
Luncheon meeting, recognize 50-year members "Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Bringing the Power of Bio-Energy into the Mainstream of American Medicine" |
Monastero's Ristorante 3935 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL |
April 23 Saturday 9 am-2 pm |
Dorothy Rodmann | Job Search/Interviewing Skills Workshop | Loyola University LSB building Auditorium room 142 |
May 13 | Prof. David Evans Harvard University |
Gibbs Medal Award: "Control of Stereochemical Relationships in the Assembly of Organic Structures, Advances that have Transformed the Face of Organic Chemistry" |
North Shore Lights at Hotel Moraine Highwood, IL |
June 24 | Prof. Ronald Breslow Columbia University |
Progress on a New Approach to Cancer Chemotherapy | Steven's Steak House Elmhurst, IL |
July 29 | ACS Summer Social | "Sherlock's Last Case" Dinner Theater |
Drury Lane Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 |
September 23 | Donald Dabdub University of California-Irvine |
Heterogeneous Interfacial Reactions: A New Paradigm
in Atmospheric Chemistry |
Fountain Blue Banquets Des Plaines, IL |
October 15 Saturday |
Chicago Chemistry Day | Theme-"The Joy of Toys" | DePaul University |
October 21 | Prof. John E. Bercaw California Institute of Technology |
Basolo Medal Award: Selective Catalytic Oxidations of Methane: Keys to the Effective Use of Natural Gas |
Lecture: Northwestern University Dinner: Zhivago's Restaurant Skokie |
November 18 | Peter Lykos Illinois Institute of Technology |
Project-Based Learning | Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
December 9 | Charles P. Casey 2004 President, ACS University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Holiday Party: "Challenges for Chemists" |
Willowbrook Holiday Inn |
2006 | |||
January 20 | Catherine Middlecamp University of Wisconsin - Madison |
"The Radium Girls and The Firecracker Boys" | Manzo's Restaurant 1571 S. Elmhurst Rd Des Plaines |
Howard Morton David McAlonan both of Abbott Labs |
Joint meeting with AIChE: |
Abbott Labs |
March 17 | Harinder
Singh University of Chicago |
Public Affairs Lecture Meeting: |
Cafe La Cave 2777 Mannheim Rd Des Plaines, IL |
April 28 Luncheon meeting |
Mark Ratner Northwestern University |
Nanotechnology | Hackney's on Lake Glenview, IL |
May 12 note early date |
Jacqueline K. Barton Caltech |
Gibbs Medal Award: "DNA Charge Transport Chemistry and Biology" |
Chateau Rand 900 East Rand Road Des Plaines, IL |
June 23 | Penny Le Couteur Capilano College North Vancouver, B.C |
Excerpts and discussion of her book: "Napoleon's Buttons - How 17 Molecules Changed History" |
Monastero's Ristorante 3935 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL |
Friday, July 14 |
Summer Social | Minor League Ball Game: Schaumburg Flyers vs. Kansas City T-Bones |
Alexian Field Schaumburg, IL |
September 29 | Paul Kelter University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana |
Education Night "The Lessons I’ve Learned from 25 Years of Teaching" |
Benedictine University Lisle, IL |
October 20 | Prof. Ivano Bertini |
Basolo Award Metal Ions in the Proteome |
Lecture: Northwestern University Dinner: Zhivago's Restaurant Skokie |
October 28 | Chemistry Day (National Chemistry Week) |
Theme-- “Your Home: It’s All Built on Chemistry” | Columbia College Chicago |
Wednesday November 15 |
Samuel Danishefsky Columbia University |
Julius Stieglitz Lecture: On the Power of Chemical Synthesis |
The Parthenon Restaurant Chicago |
December 8 | Bassam Z. Shakhashiri University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Holiday Party: "Joy of Chemistry" |
Fountain Blue Banquets Des Plaines, IL |
2007 | |||
January 19 | Dr. Francesca Casadio Art Institute of Chicago |
"A World Class Collection Under the Microscope: Scientific Research at the Art Institute of Chicago" | Colletti’s
Dining and Banquets Chicago |
February 22 (Thursday) |
Dr. Bruce Cook Exxon Mobil Research |
Joint with AIChE "Chemistry of Gasoline Sulfur Reduction" |
European Crystal Banquet Center |
March 16 | Lee R. Marek Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Public Affairs Meeting: "Chemistry On the Late Show With David Letterman-Part 1" |
Cafe La Cave 2777 Mannheim Rd Des Plaines, IL |
April 13 (lunch meeting) |
Gabriela Weaver Purdue University |
Distinguished Service Award Meeting "Authentic Research Experiences for the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum" |
Hackney's on Lake Glenview, IL |
May 25 | Sylvia T. Ceyer MIT |
Gibbs Lecture: “Bulk Hydrogen: A New Kind of Surface Species with a Chemistry of its Own” |
The Arboretum Club Buffalo Grove, IL |
June 21 (Thursday) |
Ruth Ann Armitage Eastern Michigan University |
Joint with YCC: "Archaeological Chemistry of Rock Paintings: Radiocarbon Dating and Chemical Analysis" |
Viceroy of India Lombard, IL |
Friday, July 27 |
Summer Social | Minor League Ball Game: Schaumburg Flyers vs. Joliet Jackhammers |
Alexian Field Schaumburg, IL |
September 28 | Roald Hoffmann Cornell University |
"More about Mme. Lavoisier than M. Lavoisier" | Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
October 19 | Richard R. Schrock M.I.T. |
Basolo Award "Catalytic Reduction of Dinitrogen to Ammonia at Room Temperature and One Atmosphere with Protons and Electrons" |
Lecture: Northwestern University Dinner: Zhivago's Restaurant Skokie |
October 20 Saturday |
Chemistry Day | "The Many Faces of Chemistry" | Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago |
November 16 | Zafra Lerman Columbia College |
Education Night, Joint with Chemists' Club "Using Visualization To Make Chemistry Accessible To All" |
Holiday Inn North Shore 5300 W. Touhy Ave. Skokie, IL |
December 7 | Peter Ludovice Georgia Tech |
Holiday Party- Joint with Chemists' Club and Iota
Sigma Pi "Labcoats and Other Fashion Statements" |
Willowbrook Holiday Inn |
2008 | |||
January 24 (Thursday) |
Jennifer Holmgren UOP |
Joint with AIChE "Biofuels: Unlocking the Potential" |
European Crystal Banquet Center 519 W. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL |
February 22 | Fraser Stoddard Trustees Professor Northwestern University |
Kilpatrick Lecture, joint with IIT " Chemistry and Molecular Nanotechnology in Tomorrow's World " |
IIT’s McCormick Tribune Campus Center |
March 27 (Thursday) |
Robert J. Massie President, Chemical Abstracts Service |
Public Affairs Meeting: "Chemical Information: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" |
Cafe La Cave 2777 Mannheim Rd Des Plaines, IL |
April 17 (Thursday) |
Dr. Li Li Ji University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Joint with Joliet Section "The Cell Found Fire: The Utility of Free Radicals in Exercise-Induced Adaptations" |
University of St. Francis Joliet |
May 9 |
Carolyn R. Bertozzi Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and University of California, Berkeley |
Gibbs Award: "Chemistry in Living Systems: Shedding Light on Glycans" |
Carriage Greens Country Club Darien, IL |
June 20 (lunch meeting) |
Jeffrey Weidenhamer Ashland University |
Joint with the Milwaukee Section: Distinguished Service Award and 50-year members "Lead: An Ancient But Still Present Hazard" |
Beach Resort Illinois Beach State Park Zion, IL |
September 26 | Ricard Silverman Northwestern University |
Education night Joint with Loyola Topic: Lyrica |
Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
October 17 | Professor Robert Grubbs, California Institute of Technology |
Basolo Award Joint with Northwestern "The Synthesis of Large and Small Molecules using Olefin Metathesis Catalysts" |
Lecture: Northwestern
University Dinner: Zhivago's Restaurant Skokie |
October 25 (Saturday) |
ChemDay 2008 National Chemistry Week |
"Having a Ball with Chemistry" | Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
November 19 (Wednesday) |
Joan Brennecke Notre Dame |
Stieglitz Lecture Joint with Univ. of Chicago "Ionic Liquids: Worth Their Salt" |
The Parthenon 314 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL |
December 12 | Alanah Fitch Loyola University |
Holiday Party Joint with Chemists' Club & Iota Sigma Pi "A History of Lead and Humanity" |
Fountain Blue Banquets Des Plaines, IL |
2009 | |||
January 22 Thursday |
William Roe President & CEO Coskata, Inc |
Joint with AIChE "Technology of Efficient Conversion of Biomass to Fuel (Ethanol)" |
European Crystal
Banquet Center 519 W. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL |
February 27 | Susan Olesik Ohio State University |
Kilpatrick Lecture "Unique Carbon Chemistry: Applications in Space Science and Nanoscience" |
IIT’s McCormick Tribune
Campus Center 3201 South State St. Chicago |
Wednesday, March 18 |
George R. Lester President, George Lester, Inc. |
Public Affairs meeting "Wha'cha Gonna Do When the Oil is Gone? Energy Sources for the Twenty-First Century" |
Cafe La Cave 2777 Mannheim Rd Des Plaines, IL |
March 22-26 | ACS National | National ACS Meeting | Salt Lake City, UT |
April 24 | Robert Wolke Author |
"A Little Knowledge Makes a Dangerous Cook" | Manzo's Restaurant 1571 S. Elmhurst Rd Des Plaines |
May 13-16 | GLRM 2009 | Great Lakes Regional Meeting | Lincolnshire Marriott |
May 15 | Louis Brus Columbia University |
Gibbs Award Banquet "Benjamin Franklin and J. W. Gibbs" |
with GLRM at Lincolnshire Marriott |
June 19 Lunchtime |
Jerry Rice Julie Parente Museum of Science and Industry |
DSA, 50-year members, “Science Rediscovered: A Campaign for Science and Leadership” |
Chevy Chase Country
Club |
August 14-23 | Illinois Sections of the ACS at the State Fair | Please join us at the Fair | Illinois
State Fairgrounds Springfield, IL |
September 25 | Mary L. Good Donaghey College University of Arkansas |
Education Night, Public Affairs Award to Mary L. Good “Science and Innovation in the Global Economy -- Why It Matters and Who Needs to be Concerned” |
Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
October 16 | Basolo Award Dinner Peter J. Stang |
Basolo Award Dinner joint with Northwestern "Abiological Self-Assembly: Predesigned Metallacycles and Metallacages via Coordination" |
Lecture: Technological Institute, Northwestern University Dinner: Scott Hall Northwestern University |
October 24 (Saturday) |
ChemDay 2009 National Chemistry Week | Chemistry
Day "Chemistry — It's Elemental" |
University 2250 N. Sheffield Ave. Chicago, IL |
Wednesday, November 18 |
Mitch Jacoby Senior Editor C&EN |
"A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Weekly News Magazine of the World
of Chemistry" |
Zhivago's Restaurant Skokie |
December 4 | Wendy S. Wolbach DePaul University |
Holiday Party: "Carbon, Meteorites, and Extinctions" |
Willowbrook Holiday Inn |
2010 | |||
Thursday, January 21 | Michael Koehler CEO, Packer Engineering |
Joint with AIChE "Chemists and Engineers in the Courtroom" |
Crystal Banquet Center 519 W. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 |
February 19 | Braja Mandal | Kilpatrick Lecture “An Excursion in Polymer Chemistry with Selected Highlights of the Last Half-Century” |
IIT’s McCormick Tribune Campus Center 3201 South State St. Chicago |
March 12 | Elena V. Shevchenko Argonne National Labs |
Public Affairs Meeting: “Nanoparticles and Structural Diversity at Nanoscale” |
Café La Cave 2777 Mannheim Road, Des Plaines, IL |
Monday, April 12 |
Sara Risch Science By Design |
“Advances in Food Packaging” | The Parthenon 314 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL |
May 14 | Maurice Brookhart University of North Carolina |
Gibbs Award Banquet “Alkane Metathesis: A Route to Tomorrow’s Fuels?” |
Casa Royale 783 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL |
Thursday, June 17 |
Joe Alper Parrotfish Consulting |
DSA Award, 50 & 60-year member "Confessions of a Science Nerd" |
Manzo's Restaurant 1571 S. Elmhurst Rd Des Plaines |
September 24 | Vicki Colvin Rice University |
Education Night | Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
October 22 | Roald Hoffman Cornell University |
Basolo Award “The Chemical Imagination at Work in Very Tight Places” |
Lecture: Technological Institute, Northwestern University Dinner: Zhivago Restaurant |
Saturday, October 23 |
Chemistry Day | “Behind the Scenes with Chemistry!” | Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
Thursday, November 18 |
Mark E. Davis Caltech |
Stieglitz Lecture: “New Heterogeneous Catalysts for Converting Sugars in Aqueous Media” |
The Wellington Arlington Heights, IL |
December 10 | Sara J. Risch Science By Design |
Holiday Party: “Advances in Food Packaging” |
Hilton Garden Inn - by Chicago O'Hare 2930 S. River Road Des Plaines, IL |
2011 | |||
Wednesday, January 19 |
Arup K. SenGupta LeHigh University |
Joint with AIChE and ChemPharma “Sustainable Mitigation of Global Arsenic Crisis: Challenges and Progress” |
European Crystal Banquet Center 519 W. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL |
Thursday, February 24 |
Teri Odom Northwestern University |
“All Things Pyramids: New Platforms for Imaging and Sensing” | Zhivago Restaurant 9925 Gross Point Road Skokie, IL |
Friday, March 18 |
Barbara E. Moriarty Nalco Company |
Public Affairs Meeting: “Scientists and Public Affairs” |
Café La Cave 2777 Mannheim Road, Des Plaines, IL |
Friday, April 29 |
Jiaxing Huang, Northwestern University |
“Graphene Oxide as Colloidal Surfactant: Some New Insights into an Old Material” | Colletti's Dining and Banquets |
Friday, May 20 |
Robert G. Bergman UC Berkeley |
Gibbs Award: “Selective Stoichiometric and Catalytic Reactions in Water-Soluble Host-Guest Supramolecular Systems” |
Casa Royale 783 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL |
Thursday, June 23 |
Adrian Whitty Boston University |
DSA, 50-yr Members “Drugging the Un-Druggable: Discovering Small Molecule Inhibitors of Constitutive Protein-Protein Interactions” |
Country Squire 19133 E. Belvidere Rd. Grayslake, IL |
August 12-21 | ACS at the Illinois State Fair | Springfield, IL | |
Friday, September 23 |
Norbert Pienta University of Iowa |
“The Journal of Chemical Education: Print Journalism Enters the Digital Age” | Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
Friday, October 14 |
Gregory J. Kubas Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Basolo Award: “The Remarkable Structure, Bonding, and Reactivity of Metal Dihydrogen Complexes: Inspiration for the Hydrogen Economy” |
Lecture: Technological Institute, Northwestern University |
Saturday, October 22 |
Chemistry Day | “Chemistry—our Health, Our Future” Program |
Columbia College, |
November 10-11 | AIChE Midwest Regional Conference | “Energy is Everything - Game Changers” | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Thursday, November 17 |
Robin L. Garrell UCLA |
“Nanotechnology in Art and Art Conservation” | The Parthenon 314 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL |
Monday, November 21 |
Jonathan Ellman | Stieglitz Lecture: “New Methods for the Synthesis and Elaboration of Amine Containing Compounds” |
University of Chicago Room: Kent 120 4:00 PM |
Friday, December 9 |
Sidney Perkowitz Emory University |
Holiday Party: “Hollywood Science: Good for Hollywood, Bad for Science?” |
Willowbrook Holiday Inn 7800 Kingery Highway Willowbrook, IL |
2012 | |||
Thursday, January 19 |
Eric Toone Advanced Research Projects Agency |
Joint with AIChE and ChemPharma “The Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy: A New Paradigm in Transformational Energy Research” |
European Crystal Banquet Center 519 W. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL |
Thursday, February 16 |
Emily Weiss Northwestern University |
“The Chemistry of Nanocrystals” | Zhivago Restaurant 9925 Gross Point Road Skokie, IL |
Saturday, February 25 |
DuPage Area Engineers Week | Details | IIT Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Campus 201 East Loop Road Wheaton, IL |
Friday, March 16 |
Mary Jo Boldingh, Foley & Lardner, LLP Xavier Pillai, Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd |
Public Affairs Meeting “America Invests Act” PL-112-29 |
Café La Cave 2777 Mannheim Road, Des Plaines, IL |
Thursday, April 19 |
Ben McCall University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana |
“Astrochemistry: From H3+ to C60 ” | Viceroy of India Lombard, IL |
Friday, May 18 |
Mark Ratner Northwestern University |
Gibbs Award Banquet “From Rectifying to Energy: Some Reflections” |
Casa Royale 783 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL |
Thursday, June 21 |
Mark A. Griep University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Chicago Section DSA Award and 50 & 60-year members honored, ReAction! Chemistry in the Movies |
Manzo's Restaurant 1571 S. Elmhurst Rd Des Plaines |
Thursday, September 20 |
Brian P. Coppola University of Michigan |
Education Night: “Do Real Work, Not Homework” |
Benedictine University Lisle, IL |
Friday, October 19 |
Richard Eisenberg University of Rochester |
Basolo Award: |
Lecture: Northwestern University Dinner: Hilton Orrington, Evanston |
Saturday, October 27 |
Chemistry Day | Theme: “Nanotechnology — The Smallest BIG Idea in Science” | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Wednesday, November 7 |
Joseph DeSimone University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University |
Stieglitz Lecture: “Translating Basic Science into Products and the Role of Diversity in Making that Happen” | Holiday Inn 1000 Busse Road Elk Grove Village, IL |
Friday, December 14 |
Matt Young Half Acre Beer Company |
Holiday Party: “The Science of Brewing Beer” |
Fountain Blue Banquets Des Plaines, IL |
2013 | |||
Thursday, January 17 |
Joseph A. Kocal Corporate Fellow Honeywell - UOP |
“Ionic Liquids: Status After 15 Years of R&D” | European Crystal Banquet Center 519 W. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL |
Thursday, February 28 |
Deborah Blum University of Wisconsin, Madison |
“The Poisoner's Handbook (or how I learned to love the homicidal history of chemistry)” | The Parthenon 314 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL |
Friday, March 15 |
Bill Carroll Past Chair, ACS |
Public Affairs Meeting: “The Chemistry Enterprise: Do We Have a Future, or What?” |
Café La Cave 2777 Mannheim Road, Des Plaines, IL |
Monday, March 18 |
Steve Burks, CEO, Sanford Rose and Associates |
Joint meeting with Chicago ACS and AIChE, sponsored by ChemPharma | Maggiano's Oak Brook, IL |
Thursday, April 18 |
Peter Schubert | “Motivations and Solutions for a Better World” | Viceroy of India 233 E. Roosevelt Rd. Lombard, IL |
Friday, May 17 |
Charles Lieber Harvard University |
Gibbs Award Banquet: “Nanowires, Nanoscience and Emerging Nanotechnologies” |
Hilton Garden Inn - by Chicago O'Hare 2930 S. River Road Des Plaines, IL |
Thursday, June 27 |
Andy Jorgensen University of Toledo |
Chicago Section DSA Award and 50 & 60-year members honored, “Global Climate Change: What Is It? How Will It Affect Us? Can We Reduce the Impact By Our Actions?” |
Teibel's Restaurant 1775 U.S. Highway 41, Schererville, IN |
Friday, September 27 |
Helen Domske Cornell Cooperative Extension & Great Lakes Program at the University at Buffalo |
Section meeting: “The Great Lakes – More Than Just H2O” | Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
Friday, October 11 |
Marcetta Darensbourg Texas A&M University |
Basolo Award Dinner: “Crossroads of Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry: Synthetic Analogues of the Hydrogenase Active Sites” |
Lecture: Technological Institute, Northwestern University Dinner: Hilton Orrington, Evanston |
Saturday, October 26 |
Chemistry Day | Theme: “Energy: Now and Forever” | Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
Saturday, November 9 |
Career Event | "Job Search Strategies for Chemists" contact Barb Moriarty |
Elmhurst College Schaible Science Center Elmhurst, IL |
Friday, November 22 |
Paul Stoddard, Northern Illinois University |
“The Geology of the Planet Mars” | Benedictine University 5700 College Rd Lisle, IL 60532 |
Friday, December 13 |
Alan La Pointe
John G. Shedd Aquarium |
Holiday Party: “A Chemist's Adventures Working on Water Quality Issues in Guyana” |
Fountain Blue Banquets |
2014 | |||
Thursday, January 16 |
Jennifer Holmgren, Lanza Tech | Joint with AIChE & ChemPharma |
European Crystal Banquet Center 519 W. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL |
Thursday, February 20 |
John Flanyak, President, Flanyak Scientific |
“An Alternative Career in Food Chemistry” | Lewis University, Romeoville, IL |
March 16-20 | National ACS Meeting: Chemistry and Materials for Energy | Dallas, TX | |
Friday, March 28 |
Jennifer Cassel, Environmental Law and Policy Center |
Public Affairs Meeting: “The Illinois Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act” |
Café La Cave 2777 Mannheim Road, Des Plaines, IL |
Thursday, April 24 |
David Harwell |
Panel Discussion: “The Unstable Chemistry Workplace: Industry Trends & Their Effect on Employment” |
The Parthenon 314 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL |
Friday, May 16 |
John Bercaw, Caltech |
Gibbs Award Dinner: “Hydrocarbon Upgrading to Fuels and Chemicals: Progress towards Homogeneous Catalysts” |
Meridian Banquets 1701 Algonquin Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 |
Thursday, June 19 |
George W. Crabtree Argonne National Labs |
DSA & 50-Year members Service Awards “Getting a Charge Out of Energy - Latest Research at Argonne's JCESR” |
Bolingbrook Golf Club Bolingbrook, IL |
August 8-17 | Illinois State Fair | Illinois Sections of the ACS at the State Fair | Springfield, IL |
August 10-14 | National ACS Meeting: Chemistry and Global Stewardship | San Francisco, CA | |
Friday, September 19 |
Don Wink University of Illinois, Chicago |
Education Night: “Knowing How Students Learn in Chemical Education” |
Loyola University Devon & Sheridan Chicago, IL |
Friday, October 10 |
Basolo Award, Joint with Northwestern University | Lecture: Technological Institute, Northwestern University |
Thursday, November 20 |
Stieglitz Lecture | ||
Friday, December 12 |
Holiday Party | ||
Future meetings —> | Check our new site for details of current meetings. Scroll up ^ for past meetings |
2015 | |||
March 22-26 | National ACS Meeting: : Chemistry of Natural Resources | Denver, CO | |
August 14-23 | Illinois State Fair | Illinois Sections of the ACS at the State Fair | Springfield, IL |
August 16-20 | National ACS Meeting: A Histroy of Innovation: From Discovery to Application | Boston, MA | |
2016 | |||
March 13-17 | National ACS Meeting | San Diego, CA | |
August 21-25 | National ACS Meeting | Philadelphia, PA | |
2017 | |||
April 2-6 | National ACS Meeting | San Francisco, CA | |
August 20-24 | National ACS Meeting | Washington, DC | |
Chicago ACS Sponsored | Board or Committee Meeting | NON-Chicago ACS meeting |
Last updated 2/18/15 Copyright © 2009-2015, Chicago Section, The American Chemical Society |
Contact the webmaster Webs by Wizardcraft |